Feed Your Soul With Art, Music And Theater In The Salem Area
Die Kunst- und Kulturszene der Region Salem ist ein sicherer Weg, sich an einen magischen Ort entführen zu lassen. Wenn Sie durch die Multimedia-Galerien schlendern, eine Theater- oder Comedy-Aufführung besuchen oder ein klassisches Violinkonzert hören, wird Ihre Seele mit Sicherheit aufblühen. Lesen Sie weiter, um zu erfahren, wie Sie in die blühende Kunst- und Kulturgemeinde der Region Salem eintauchen können.
If you’re exploring art museums in the Salem area, the Hallie Ford Museum of Art at Willamette University is a must-visit. Hallie Ford is Oregon’s third-largest fine-arts museum and has more than 9,000 works on public display, including Native American ceremonial masks and works by Pacific Northwest artists, as well as special exhibits ranging from classical works to provocative modern pieces.
In the nearby historic Bush’s Pasture Park, the Bush Barn Art Center exhibits brow-raising fine art from local, regional and international artists. Here, the Salem Art Association hosts four onsite galleries that are free to the public and worth a visit. One recent exhibit, “Reenvisioned: Contemporary Portraits of our Black Ancestors” by Portland artist, Jeremy Okai Davis, is a series of large portraits that tell the story of early Black pioneers in Oregon.
Downtown Salem’s Elsinore Fine Art Gallery is another wonderful place to ignite your inspiration. The gallery showcases rotating monthly exhibits by local and regional artists; plus original drawings, paintings, sculptures, textiles and ceramics by Salem’s Artist in Action members.
Located in the charming town of Silverton, the recently renovated Lunaria Gallery is a no-miss for its curated display of artwork and friendly, cooperative spirit. The gallery rotates contemporary work from both established and up-and-coming local artists, including standout wood sculptures, mosaics, paintings and jewelry.
In the historic town of Independence, pop into River Gallery on Main Street and get your fill of fascinating works by local painters, ceramicists, wood workers, jewelry-makers and mixed-media artists.
Classical music enthusiasts will want to grab tickets to an Oregon Symphony in Salem concert. Most shows are held at Smith Auditorium at Salem’s Willamette University and performances range from violin concertos of Brahms’s Variations on a Theme by Haydn to stirring renditions of Latin music accompanied by powerful dance performances.
The Salem Philharmonia Orchestra is a community symphony that makes symphonic music accessible to everyone. It performs about a dozen mesmerizing and affordable piano, cello and other classic performances at the East Salem Community Center every year; check the website for upcoming events and tickets.
The non-profit Salem Orchestra is a collection of talented musical groups that performs inspiring iterations of everything from Celtic and pop to 70s psychedelic music. The Spring Chamber Series launches in March; check the website for more information.
If you’re into global music, the world-class Smith Fine Arts Series at Monmouth’s Western Oregon University offers a lineup of genre-defying performances every year. From modern iterations of classic Bach to the music of Wes Anderson films and swamp pop, you’ll feel transformed.
The Gothic architecture of the 99-year-old Elsinore Theatre in downtown Salem is inspiring in itself, but the real magic happens onstage. Renowned for acoustics you can feel in your bones, the 1,290-seat Elsinore hosts rock concerts, the Oregon ballet, comedy and Broadway shows, live theater and more. The stained-glass windows and Mighty Wurlitzer organ only add to your experience.
About six miles west of downtown Salem, Pentacle Theatre hosts performances in a rustic playhouse surrounded by towering Oregon oaks. The 71-year-old theater company offers eight-play seasons that involve hundreds of community members coming together to direct, perform, build sets, create costumes and even sell refreshments. Tickets start at $20; check the website for the lineup.
Keizer Homegrown Theatre, just a short drive north of Salem, offers a refreshing take on community theater. This dynamic company stages a variety of productions, from modern dramas to timeless classics, in an intimate setting inside the Keizer Heritage Center. With a strong emphasis on nurturing local talent and creativity, Keizer Homegrown Theatre provides an unforgettable experience for audiences of all ages. Check their website for upcoming performances and ticket information.
Originally built by the Odd Fellows in 1900, downtown Salem's Historic Grand Theatre is about as intimate as it gets, with only 402 seats, and is a gorgeous place to see a concert, comedy show, author event or dance performance. Check the website for events and tickets.
Get ready to be inspired by the Salem area’s arts and culture scene. The art, theater, and music will leave your soul feeling fulfilled and inspired.
Sind Sie bereit, Ihren Aufenthalt in der Region Salem zu buchen?
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7 öffentliche Kunstwerke in der Innenstadt von Salem, Oregon
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Sieben unverzichtbare Kunsterlebnisse in Salem und dem Mid-Willamette Valley
Wenn Sie Kunst lieben, sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. In Salem und Umgebung gibt es viele interessante Museen, lokale Galerien und Kunst im Freien, die Sie sicher inspirieren wird. Neben der Salem Public Art Walking Tour und den monatlichen First Friday Events ist der Frühling eine besonders lebendige Zeit, um die Kunstszene zu erkunden, da sie vor Kreativität nur so strotzt. Schauen Sie sich diese Liste von Kunstausstellungen und Veranstaltungsorten im Mid-Willamette Valley an, die Sie unbedingt besuchen sollten:
Farbenfrohe Wandgemälde präsentieren das Mid-Willamette Valley
Das Mid-Willamette Valley blickt auf eine reiche Geschichte zurück, sowohl in natürlicher als auch in anderer Hinsicht: Die Kalapuya haben Jahrtausende lang in der Region gefischt, gejagt und gesammelt; Generationen von Landwirten haben die fruchtbaren Böden der Region bearbeitet; und unsere Ökosysteme in der freien Natur sind von einer Schönheit, die es sonst nirgendwo in Oregon gibt.
Verwandte Inhalte:
Salem, Oregon
(503) 581-4642
Salem, Oregon
600 Mission St.
Salem, Oregon 97302
(503) 581-2228
Salem, Oregon 97302
170 High St. SE
Salem, Oregon 97301
(503) 375-3574
Salem, Oregon 97301
700 State St.
Salem, Oregon 97301
(503) 370-6855
Salem, Oregon 97301
113 N Water St.
Silverton, Oregon 97381
(503) 873-7734
Silverton, Oregon 97381
324 52nd Ave. NW
Salem, Oregon 97304
(503) 485-4300
Salem, Oregon 97304
600 Mission St. SE
Salem, Oregon 97302
(503) 581-2228
Salem, Oregon 97302